Personal Growth

Come with me: Finding the source of your motivation

Come with me: Finding the source of your motivation

By Renee Jensen

In past articles, I have shared about my (fairly new) love for running. Truth be told, though, I am not sure I actually love running itself as much as the escape that running offers me. I love the pure physical exhaustion that lets my mind be free of everything and present in the moment. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I reach a new milestone, but not necessarily the act of running itself. For these reasons, I often say that I don’t consider myself a “real” runner. (Although, once a friend scolded me for saying that, reminding me: “You run; therefore, you are a real runner.”)

The disruption of “normal” and choosing a positive mindset in your career and life

The disruption of “normal” and choosing a positive mindset in your career and life

By Renee Jensen

There are many things that the COVID pandemic has taught us. For me, the experiences of the past year have reinforced something many of us already knew: your state of mind can be a very powerful influence on the outcome of your work, your day, and even your life.

Free thinking and creative thought is key to a balanced life

Free thinking and creative thought is key to a balanced life

By Renee Jensen

When was the last time you had time to ponder a curiosity or seemingly unimportant fact? Our lives are crazy busy with work, family, chores, and oh, not to mention the pandemic! It leaves little time for our minds to be free to explore new ideas, ponder existing dilemmas, or rehash a concept for which you still have not stumbled upon a reasonable solution. Taking time for yourself may seem unimportant given the current state of the world and our nation, but it is necessary for your sanity and personal growth.

If you don’t make time to allow your thoughts to run free and your creativity to go wild and uninhibited, how will you ever explore new concepts beyond your comfortable day-to-day world?

Transformation, not transition

Transformation, not transition

By Renee Jensen

The topic of career transition is something that strong, successful leaders rarely talk about, despite the fact that it is something that almost every professional will experience in some way, at some point in their career.

Transition isn’t something you are going to learn about in business school, and chances are you won’t even know you need to know about it until you find yourself in a situation where your career or life are undergoing a major change.